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Early exposure to books is crucial to the development of literacy and concentration skills in young children. Plus, It's a lot of fun! 

Come along as we expose your family to new and exciting books, rhymes, and music. CHSRC's family-friendly StoryTime is suitable for all ages. 


An optional prepaid craft, that compliments the story, is available some months. Crafts can be made on-site or taken home. Please check the schedule for craft options. It is recommended that you pre-register for crafts. Supplies are limited. 


Most StoryTimes at CHSRC will take place in our lovely outdoor courtyard, weather permitting. 


​Each child will have the opportunity to select a FREE book from our StoryTime book bin. It is suggested that you pre-register.


When: First Friday of each month (September-June). Jump to upcoming StoryTime dates.

Friday Time: Varies- check the schedule below.

StroyTime cost: FREE

Craft/activity cost: FREE

Location: Covenant Home School Resource Center, 2940 W Bethany Home Rd., Phoenix AZ 85017


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Hey homeschool teens and parents! We have a super special opportunity for you during the next few months.


Would your support group like to partake in a group activity that would allow your adult and teen readers to practice public speaking? Volunteer to read during monthly StoryTime at CHSRC and invite your group to attend and support you.  


Four times a year, we will offer a new program called Family Days at CHSRC. One element of this new program will be StoryTime. This is an excellent opportunity for people who are not part of a group to use their talents to benefit the homeschool community.


These events are a great place for homeschooled teens and parents to hone their read-aloud skills to an eager audience. 


If you're interested in volunteering, please register below.


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Upcoming StoryTime

FRIDAY, November 3 @ 1:30 p.m.

Books: Library Lion by Michelle Knudsen

Story read by: Miss Janet


Optional craft:  Coloring pages.


Books: What Your Nose Shows by Ray Comfort (Creation based book)

Story read by: Miss Janet


Optional craft:  Coloring pages.

Upcoming StoryTime Dates
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