Covenant Home School Resource Center is proud to have the support of many organizations throughout the country. You can help further support our mission by shopping with our partners. You will receive the same great prices and support CHSRC at the same time.
Compass Classroom offers an engaging homeschool video curriculum from a Christian worldview.
They have assembled the best homeschool classes and resources to create a user-friendly, convenient option for different home education needs. Their promise is to always provide you with curriculum that is easy to use, interesting to students, and glorifying to God. 100% REFUND GUARANTEE.
Learn more about Compass Classroom and receive one week FREE.
Fast Transcripts cloud-based transcript template uses course name auto-suggest, GPA auto-calculation, and an error-catching algorithm to provide the most professional transcript available to the homeschool community.
Send secure watermark or digital transcripts directly from their Homeschool Clearinghouse to 4,397 colleges & universities. Now homeschoolers can use the same preferred delivery method colleges expect. Put your student on equal footing with public & private school students.
Learn more about Fast Transcripts and receive a 30 day FREE trial.
Gabb Wireless is equipping families with products that keep kids safe while still connecting them to friends and family. This results in freeing up time to experience the world in a positive way.
Because Gabb Phones have an innovative spam filter for texting, no internet browser, no social media apps, no app store, and no games
Learn more about how to keep your kids safe here.
Homeschool History is a web-based app that you can access from any device. Search by topic, time period, country or region, and type of resource. Find books to check out at your local library. Find videos available to watch for free and movies available on streaming services. Find field trips near and far. Connect with other parents to share ideas and identify the best resources for your family.
Start your 60-day FREE trial now.
Dynamic, media-rich lessons that make grading easy.
Immerse your child in multi-dimensional educational experiences that include video clips, audio files, challenging games, interactive exercises, and more.
Monarch is an online Christian curriculum developed by Alpha Omega Publishers.
Get your first 30 days FREE with this great offer.
Notgrass History helps history learners become history makers. Our curriculum combines engaging lessons, full-color photographs and illustrations, primary source documents, literature, and hands-on activities for a variety of learning styles.
Students may study Notgrass History curricula in any order within the schooling levels indicated (elementary, middle school, and high school). Each course stands alone and is complete in itself. You do not have to use any of our courses before using another of our courses.
Shop Notgrass History here.
RightStart Math
RightStart™ Mathematics is a complete elementary and middle-school program that uses visualization of quantities, de-emphasizes counting, and provides strategies and games for learning the facts.
The primary learning tool is the AL Abacus, a specially designed two-sided abacus that is both kinesthetic and visual.
Learn more about RightStart Mathematics here.
How do you describe economics to a 7-year-old? Should your preteen care about the government? Are your kids learning about the free market in class?
Each book in this series focuses on a different aspect of the principles of a free society: free markets, competition, individual rights, the non-aggression principle, personal responsibility, protectionism, and a variety of other issues—all boiled down to core concepts that children of different ages can easily grasp.
Buy your own copy today for the children in your life. Understanding the ideas of freedom is a gift that shouldn’t be reserved just for adults!