Science Workshops
"Discover, Experiment, Explore:
Igniting Curiosity in Homeschool Science!"
We are excited to have your family join us on a science adventure. Your students will enjoy our engaging, hands-on lab workshops that complement any science curriculum.
K-4th Grade
4th-6th Grade
Excite and inspire science exploration in young elementary students.
6th-8th Grade
Gently introduce middle school students to the rigor and coursework of a high school science program.
Biology Labs
Complete lab program designed to complement any high school Biology curriculum.
These popular elementary workshops are designed to excite and inspire science exploration in young students all while providing busy homeschool moms free time to spend as they see fit. Each workshop is a self-contained science session. During each class, students will receive an introduction to the topic, participate in a lab/project, receive a summary sheet explaining the topic, and a take-home activity sheet to do at their leisure. Mrs. Borg's workshops are a fun, hands-on experience.
CHSRC is a Christian organization and our scientific workshops are fact-based and considerate of different viewpoints. The elementary grades do not cover evolution.
What is the difference between the K-4th and 4th-6th workshops other than time and grade level? The older (4th-6th) workshops will have more writing and a more complex variation of the same topic. If you are unsure which grade level to choose for your student, please feel free to contact Mrs. Borg at sciencewithkaren@gmail.com for recommendations.
No homework, no prep work, and no additional registration or lab fees. All workshops are held monthly on Thursdays or Fridays. Questions can be sent to info@chsrc.org.
Topics include: clouds, fingerprints, rain forests, trees, bones & muscles, reptiles, fossils, Arizona animals, and first aid.
Please read the Student and Parent Handbook.
Thursday Dates:​
September 5 (clouds)
October 3 (fingerprints & more)
October 31 (rain forests)
December 5 (trees)
January 9 (bones & muscles)
February 6 (reptiles)
March 6 (fossils)
April 3 (Arizona animals)
May 1 (first aid)
Friday Dates:
September 6 (clouds)
October 4 (fingerprints & more)
November 1 (rain forests)
December 6 (trees)
January 10 (bones & muscles)
February 7 (reptiles)
March 7 (fossils)
April 4 (Arizona animals)
May 2 (first aid)
This workshop series is designed to gently introduce middle school students to the rigor and coursework of a high school science program. Each workshop is a stand-alone science session. Students will receive an introduction to the topic, participate in a lab/project, work in small groups, take home their classwork, receive a summary sheet explaining the topic, and a take-home puzzle sheet to do at their leisure. Mrs. Borg's workshops are a fun hands-on science experience.
CHSRC is a Christian organization and our scientific workshops are fact-based and considerate of different viewpoints. In middle school, evolution is covered as a theory.
No homework, no tests, no prep work, and no extra registration/lab fees. All workshops are held monthly on Thursdays. There are two times available, 10:00-12:00 and 1:00-3:00. Questions can be sent to info@chsrc.org.
Topics include: scientific method & units of measure, experimentation, controlling variables, part 1,
controlling variables, part 2, formulating a hypothesis, part 1, formulating a hypothesis, part 2, interpreting data, making models, egg-drop challenge.
Please read the Student and Parent Handbook.
September 12 (scientific method & units of measure)
October 10 (experimentation)
November 7 (controlling variables, part 1)
December 12 (controlling variables, part 2)
January 16 (formulating hypothesis, part 1)
February 13 (formulating hypothesis, part 2)
March 13 (interpreting data)
April 10 (making models)
May 8 (egg-drop Challenge)
This lab series is designed to accompany any basic high school biology curriculum. A detailed syllabus will be provided and students will be required to have a basic knowledge of each topic. Hands-on access to several different types of high-quality microscopes makes this an exceptional lab experience. Completing this series is equivalent to one high school Biology lab credit. Each workshop is 3.5 hours.
CHSRC is a Christian organization and our scientific workshops are fact-based and considerate of different viewpoints. In high school, evolution is covered as a theory.
No homework, no tests, no prep work, and no additional registration/lab fees. All materials and handouts are provided during each workshop. Held monthly on Thursday or Friday . Questions can be sent to info@chsrc.org.
Topics include: proper microscope usage, classification, pond water, protozoa, algae, Basidiomycota, yeast, molds, imperfect fungi, diffusion, enzymes, cell structure, DNA extraction, mitosis greenhouse effects, Punnett squares, sponges, hydra, bird embryo identification, planarian, earthworm dissection, flower anatomy and dissection, perch dissection, anthocyanins, roots, stems, leaves, frog dissection.
Please read the Student and Parent Handbook.
Thursday Workshops
September 19 (Microscopes)
September 26
October 17
November 14
December 19
January 23
February 20
March 20
April 17
May 15
Friday Workshops
September 20 (Microscopes)
September 27
October 18
November 15
December 20
January 24
February 21
March 21
April 18
May 16