3rd-12th Grades
This class will focus on the 11 Steps to Archery Success taught by BAI (Basic Archery Instructor) certified instructors. The students will learn safety protocols, range rules, how to properly execute the basic 11 Steps to Archery Success, NASP (National Archery in the Schools Program) competition protocols, and scoring.
Class sizes are limited to 10 students to facilitate individual instruction. Archery equipment is provided for students to use during classes and tournaments. If you want to practice at home, archers should purchase regulation bows and arrows (purchase information below.)
Competitions are available to 4th through 12th grade students. Monthly tournaments are optional, however, if you plan to compete in the state competition, archers must complete at least one state qualifier tournament. Fees for the monthly tournaments are paid each month as you register.
HEAD COACH: Rachel Bain (contact info below)
ASSISTANT COACHES: Anna Bain, June Halliwell, and Christine Vigil
DATES: Thursdays, September-April (excluding holidays)
LOCATION: Glendale Heroes Regional Park Archery Range, 83rd Ave and Bethany Home Road.
REGISTRATION FEE: (One-time fee that covers registration and insurance. Paid to CHSRC.)​​
$75 per family.
CLASS TUITION OPTIONS: (One-time fee. Paid to Coach Rachel.)
$37/non-competitive archer or
$61/archer (including State Bullseye and 3D competitions)​​
ADDITIONAL TOURNAMENT FEES: (Tournaments and Fun Shoots are optional. Paid to Coach Rachel each month if you choose to participate.)
FUN SHOOTS: $7 TO $14 each.
STATE QUALIFIER-bullseye: $7/each
All tournaments include a bullseye competition.
Most tournaments will also include a 3D competition.
Archers who plan to compete in tournaments must comply with NASP 2025 National, Open, and Tournament Rules
Information on The Genesis Bows and Easton Arrows
NASP only allows the original Genesis Bows and the Easton Arrows #1820 to be used for the program. The cheapest place to order bows and arrows is Shipley’s Outdoors.
Purchasing bow and arrows: (purchasing a bow and arrows is optional. Bows will be provided during class)
Bow prices range from $174.95 to $204.95.
Arrows cost $33.95 for 6, and $67.95 for 12.
Bow and arrow kits, which include a case, are also available.
Custom bows may also be purchased.
You will need to know whether to order a left-handed or right-handed bow. This is determined by which eye is dominant. Coach Rachel will assist you in determining your dominant eye during the first class.
Target options:
NASP YOUTH GX DELUXE TARGET for $69.95 at Shipley's Outdoors.
Hay bales, from your local feed store, work well and are inexpensive and can be used with the poly or paper target face from Shipley's Outdoors.