Arizona Exceptional Students Association

Updated: Mar 19, 2021

Last month, we started what we thought would be short monthly Q&A Facebook Live videos aimed to help answer the many questions that homeschool families ask. After our first Q&A on testing, we decided to schedule several more on different themes. What is it they say? When we plan… God laughs?

A few days after our first Facebook Live Q&A, we just so happen to meet Michelle Harris, a homeschool mom with special needs children. Michelle came to CHSRC to test her kids using our individualized IOWA testing service. As we got to know Michelle, it was apparent that this mom knew her stuff and our CHSRC staff was blessed to have this opportunity to speak with her and learn so much about homeschooling with special needs kids. I couldn’t help myself, I HAD to do it. I heard myself asking Michele, “Would you like to do a Facebook Live with us?”

Special Needs Q&A with Michelle Harris from the Arizona Exceptional Students Association (AESA)

If you have special needs children, or friends that do, this video has an amazing amount of practical information!

Sometimes parents are afraid to diagnose their suspected special needs children. Wouldn’t a “label” harm our kids more than help? Michelle encourages families not to be afraid to seek a diagnosis, which can help parents find services for their children.

During our conversation, we tackled other important issues such as: Which diagnosis is better, educational or medical? How important is an Individualized Education Plan (IEP)? What are some of the benefits for special needs kids taught at home?

Michelle encourages parents to consider teaching their kids at home; whether using Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) funds or privately homeschooling their children, the benefits are innumerable!

How about an affordable conference organized by a parent of special needs kids for parents of special needs kids?

Michelle is doing it! The Empowering Exceptional Students of Arizona (EESA) conference is coming June 7, 2019.

As an ESA recipient, Michelle wanted to organize a conference that would give all families with special needs kids practical information and provide knowledgeable speakers to address specific areas of learning disabilities. Attendees will receive pertinent advice that they will be able to take home and immediately apply in their child’s learning environment.

Two of the planned speakers include the Director of the Society of Autism, and Carol Fitzpatrick (speaking on dyslexia, dysgraphia and dyscalculia.)

For those interested in learning more about the ESA program, the conference will include a parent panel of veteran ESA members. Of course, the best aspect of the conference is the affordability! Check out these amazing prices.

Be sure to check out Michelle’s AESA website and this wonderful informational video on CHSRC’s YouTube channel. While you are there, hit the subscribe button and notification bell to receive alerts to new videos. Don't forget to like and share them with your friends!

If you would like to volunteer to help during the AESA conference, please contact Michelle directly.